Chef InSpec
Detect Spectre and Meltdown Vulnerabilities with InSpec

By Julian Dunn
Earlier this month, Google Project Zero announced several security vulnerabilities in many modern processors, commonly referred to by the names Spectre and Meltdown. These vulnerabilities arise from the exploitation of performance optimizations in modern CPUs, features known as branch prediction and speculative execution.
Read moreImprovements for Windows and InSpec

By Jared Quick
We are proud to announce some major improvements recently implemented in InSpec. Jerry Aldrich and I, two members of Chef’s InSpec Engineering team, have added two features which considerably improve performance when used with the Windows platform. Backend Caching Improvements First, we have added backend caching for commands.
Read moreTop 10 Chef Blog Posts of 2017

By Jamie Bright
In 2017, we published more than 200 blog posts, highlighting major releases and announcements, partnerships and integrations, skill-building and how to articles, and more. Here are the top ten most viewed posts of 2017.
Read more2017 InSpec Year in Review

By Adam Leff
2017 has been an incredible year for InSpec; the community continues to grow and the project continues to evolve in amazing ways. As the year winds down, I’d like to take a few minutes to reflect on our collective accomplishments.
Read moreCompliance with InSpec: Any Node. Any Time. Anywhere.
InSpec is an agentless compliance scanner, which means that you can use InSpec to perform compliance scans of configuration settings without installing anything, changing configuration settings, or otherwise affecting the state of the machine you are scanning.
Read moreChefConf 2018 CFP: Compliance Automation Track
ChefConf is the largest community gathering and educational event for teams on the journey to becoming fast, efficient, and innovative software-driven organizations. In other words, you and your team! ChefConf 2018 will take place May 22-25 in Chicago, Illinois and we want you to present! The ChefConf call for presenters (CFP) is now open.
Read moreEveryday Compliance with InSpec

By Adam Leff
As National Cyber Security Awareness Month comes to a close, it’s a great opportunity for all of us to make security and compliance part of our daily routine. I know, I know…no one thinks about “compliance” and gets excited. However, taking advantage of tools like InSpec can help us conquer everyday compliance with ease.
Read moreGuest Blog Post: Ensuring Agent Compliance with Chef Automate

By Adam Leff
Besides helping ensure compliance with regulatory standards, InSpec is a great solution for detecting compliance with your organization’s own rules and expectations. Our friends at Jack Henry & Associates Inc. recently detected and corrected an issue in their environment thanks to the power of InSpec and Chef Automate.
Read moreDelivering on Continuous Automation with Chef, InSpec, and Habitat

By Marc Holmes
Today we are delighted to be recognized in the Leaders category of new ‘The Forrester Wave™: Configuration Management Software for Infrastructure Automation, Q4 2017’ report. To take a detailed look at the report, you can grab a copy from this link – enjoy the read!
Read moreChef Community Summits – Seattle & New York
Last week the Chef Community hosted two summits in the US. Monday and Tuesday in Seattle, Thursday and Friday in New York. These Summits both included a day of open space discussions with topics proposed and selected by the participants and a day of hacking on various projects.
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