Chef at JFrog SwampUP 2017

By Julian Dunn
Supermarket Integration with Artifactory Hot on the heels of ChefConf 2017, Chef headed to Napa, CA late last week for JFrog’s SwampUP conference at the beautiful Meritage Resort and Spa. With its intimate size (300 attendees) and highly curated talks, SwampUP is one of our favorite conferences to attend.
Read moreInSpec launches support for cloud platform assessments
InSpec Cloud Modules We are proud to announce the release of three new open-source incubation projects to the InSpec community: inspec-aws, inspec-azure, and inspec-vmware. With these projects, InSpec extends its reach into these widely used platforms. You can now use InSpec for cloud native security and integration testing.
Read moreGoCD Cookbook and the Chef Partner Cookbook Program

By JJ Asghar
I’m happy to announce that GoCD is now part of the Chef Partner Cookbook Program. They have certified the GoCD Cookbook. This cookbook deploys a standard GoCD server or agent with the required settings to get it ready for your usage. GoCD is an on-premise, open source, continuous delivery tool by ThoughtWorks.
Read moreIntegrate Chef into your Build and Release pipelines with Microsoft Visual Studio Team Services
Today, we are pleased to announce the first release of Chef Integration for Visual Studio Team Services, released to the Visual Studio Marketplace.
Read moreRocket.Chat Cookbook Certified by the Chef Partner Cookbook Program

By JJ Asghar
I’m delighted to announce that Rocket.Chat is now part of the Chef Partner Cookbook Program. They have certified the Rocket.Chat Cookbook. Rocket.Chat Cookbook The Rocket.Chat Cookbook is designed as a one-stop shop to get Rocket.Chat up and running. Run the main recipe, run chef-client, and boom, you have the base install ready to go.
Read moreThe Recipe for System Success: Chef + Cloud

By Jamie Bright
We are living in a world of constant change: companies of all sizes and in all industries are tasked with being a disruptor or being disrupted. Slow-moving enterprises which rely only on legacy technology are falling behind their competitors.
Read moreGuest Post: Using Artifactory as a private Supermarket
This is a guest post by Michael Hüttermann. Michael is an expert in Continuous Delivery, DevOps and SCM/ALM. More information about him at, or follow him on Twitter: @huettermann.
Read moreTest Kitchen and Chef Provisioning drivers for Azure now work in US Government and Sovereign cloud environments
This post first appeared on Medium. As an open-source maintainer one of the hardest things is getting access to relevant test environments to test your bits. Especially when that test environment is in a territory or environment you don’t have access to.
Read moreChef Automate now available in the Azure Marketplace

By Michele Todd
Chef and Microsoft are excited to announce the general availability of Chef Automate in the Azure Marketplace. Chef Automate partners with Microsoft Azure to give your operations, development, security and compliance teams a common platform that takes advantage of the flexibility, scalability, and reliability that Azure offers.
Read moreAchieving Windows Compliance with InSpec
This blog post is a follow-up on our Windows Compliance with InSpec webinar by Joe Gardiner, Senior Solutions Architect and Christoph Hartmann, InSpec Creator that was presented live on April 11, 2017. In that webinar, we describe what Continuous Compliance is and we cover assessment with InSpec and remediation with Chef.
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