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Prezi Talks DevOps @GigaOM Structure Europe
Many of you out there in the Chef Community are likely using Prezi’s dynamite zooming presentation software. Prezi, in turn, is using Enterprise Chef to manage a big gang of AWS resources that serve its nearly 20M users. Cool, yes, but nothing we haven’t said before.
Awesome Community Chef: Fletcher Nichol – “Drumming Up Test Kitchen”
One could argue there are major similarities between bands and open source communities, especially a community built around code.
Whipping Up Awesome w/Chef + AWS
For all you Chefs in the London area, Opscode will be taking part in the AWS Enterprise Summit at the Grange St. Paul’s Hotel tomorrow, Sept. 17, from 8 am – 6 pm. This event is designed for senior technical leaders within enterprise organizations who are looking to learn more about AWS.
Chef Meet-up on 9/17: Whipping Up Awesome w/Berkshelf
Next Tues., 9/17, @6:30 pm, we have a very special Chef Meet Up happening in Seattle here at Opscode HQ. We’re honored to have Awesome Chef Jamie Winsor joining us to talk about Berkshelf 3.0, including bug fixes, speed improvements, and usability tweaks to the foundations that Berkshelf 1.0 and 2.0 have laid.
mixlib-config 2.0
mixlib-config is getting an update! We use mixlib-config in Chef to drive the knife.rb and client.rb files (as well as Omnibus config). For a quick overview, to use mixlib-config in your project, you do something like this: [sourcecode language=”ruby”] require ‘mixlib/config’ module MyConfig extend Mixlib::Config default :log_level, ‘debug’ default :max_files, 10 end MyConfig.from_file(‘~/myconfig.
Automating the Network w/Chef + Plexxi – Demo on 9/13
Today, our friends at Plexxi, who created the networking industry’s first affinity-driven networking solution, today announced they’ve integrated their SDN-based switching solution with Opscode Enterprise Chef™, making it easier to set up servers and deploy applications in the data center.
Awesome Chefs – Wanelo Delivers Huge Ruby on Rails App w/Enterprise Chef
Shopping online is nothing new. But our friends at Wanelo (pronounced “wah-NEE-lo” from want, need, love) have whipped up something awesome with an online platform uniting shoppers, products, and stores on a 100% member-driven community. In other words, Wanelo helps millions of people share and find dynamite products at cool stores for great prices.
Demystifying Common Idioms in Chef Recipes
Here at Opscode, we think of the Chef recipe DSL, or domain-specific language, as being quite straightforward to learn. Despite the fact that under the hood it’s all Ruby, you most definitely do not need to know Ruby to use Chef.
Webinar: Chef + VMware on 9.12.13 (Case Studies, too)
We had a blast @VMworld last week and talked to a bunch of folks looking for a ‘how to’ tutorial on using Opscode Chef to manage VMware infrastructure. Well, look no further. Next Thur.