Chef Blogs

Automation is the Rule at Fotopedia with Chef + AWS…

Jesse Robbins | Posted on

The Amazon AWS team just posted a great interview with Olivier Gutknecht of Fotopedia about the infrastructure they use to process the huge amount of information that makes up their (beautiful!) site. Fotopedia is the first collaborative photo encyclopedia.

Olivier has been a Chef for quite some time, and is the also creator of the very cool Casserole tool for OS X .

In the interview, Oliver says:

“[…] When we provision a new EC2 instance, we set up the instance with a simple boot script. On first boot, the instance automatically configures our ssh keys, installs some base packages (ruby, essentially) and registers itself in our DNS. Finally, Chef registers the instance into our Chef server. At this point we have a “generic”, passive machine added to our grid. Then we just associate a new role for this instance – let’s say we need a new backend for our main Rails application. At this point, it is just a matter of waiting for the instance to configure itself: installing rails, monitoring probes, doing a checkout of our source code and finally launch the application. A few minutes later, the machine running our load balancer and web cache notices a new backend and immediately reconfigures itself.

“Automation is the rule, not the exception”

What is great with this Amazon & Chef setup is that it helps you into thinking about your application globally. Running a complex application like Fotopedia is not just a matter of running some rails code and a MySQL database, but coordinating a long list of software services: some written by us, some installed as packages from the operating systems, some built and installed from source code (sometimes because it’s so recent it is not available in our linux distribution, sometimes because we need to patch the software for our needs). Automation is the rule, not the exception.

Be sure to check out the full article on the AWS blog.