Chef Blogs

Chef Server 12.1.0 RC3 Now Available

Stephen Delano | Posted on | community | Releases

Ohai Chefs,

We’re pleased to announce that Chef Server 12.1.0 RC3 is now available for download. RC3 is the follow-up to RC1, which we announced on May 28th.

### What’s New Since RC1

* **Erlang 17:** We’ve upgraded the Erlang distribution that we ship with the Chef Server to Erlang 17.5
* **Solr Upgrade Fixes:** We’ve fixed an issue that prevented Chef Server from running the latest version of Solr after an upgrade. If you upgraded from a previous version, you would continue to run the version of Solr that shipped with that Chef Server.
* **Actions Messages Password Filtering:** The Chef Server now filters out password information before sending data off to the Chef Analytics queue.

### What happened to RC2

We had to skip RC2 for this release because it encountered a failure during the build and release process. Remediations were made to the process and the version was bumped to RC3 accordingly. RC3 is the follow-up release to RC1.

### Where Can I Download It

Release Candidate builds of the Chef Server can be downloaded from the Packagecloud current repository. The direct links to the build are:

* EL5:
* EL6:
* EL7:
* Ubuntu Lucid:\_12.1.0~rc.3-1\_amd64.deb
* Ubuntu Precise:\_12.1.0~rc.3-1\_amd64.deb
* Ubuntu Trusty:\_12.1.0~rc.3-1\_amd64.deb