Chef Blogs

#ChefConf – Post-conference Hack Day!

Nathen Harvey | Posted on | ChefConf

Technical conferences are a great way to get energized about doing awesome things! You participate in inspiring sessions, see some amazing work being done at other companies, and meet with members of your tribe. At the end of the conference you’re ready to get down to business and ship some code! Unfortunately, that’s the exact time most people hop on a plane and head for home.

I’m happy to announce that we’ve teamed up with Joyent and Boundary to organize a Post-#ChefConf Hack Day!

Join us on Saturday, April 27 from 10AM-4PM for some Chef hacking! This hack day is free to anyone but you must register in advance.

The hack day is being held at Joyent’s offices which are right around the corner from the Hyatt Embarcadero.

This year’s #ChefConf is going to be amazing. From the workshops that start on Wednesday to the Hack Day on Saturday, we’re in for four days of automation awesomeness! I can’t wait to see you there!

Register for #ChefConf today!