Chef Blogs

ChefDK 0.8.0 Release

John Keiser | Posted on | release | Releases

Ohai Chefs! Time for a shiny new ChefDK release :)

ChefDK 0.8.0 is now available at on OS/X (including OS X 10.11, “El Capitan”), Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Windows, Ubuntu and Debian!

Highlights include:

Chef Provisioning and Chef Provisioning AWS are updated to their latest versions.  Highlights from these updates include:

  • Chef Provisioning CHANGELOG
  • Added a ignore_converge_failure option to not fail the provisioning run of a provisioned node fails chef-client.
  • Reduce recent chef resource warnings so output is not so verbose.
  • Lots o’ test improvements and coverage expansion.
    • Created a dummy driver that runs automated tests.
  • Many, many bug fixes to improve stability.
  • Marked LXC and Hanlon as ‘Seeking Maintainers’ – if you are interested, see their README!
  • Chef Provisioning AWS CHANGELOG
  • New resources:
    • aws_vpc_peering_connection
      • aws_route_table now accepts an aws_vpc_peering_connection as a route target, see aws_route_table_spec.rb for an example.
    • aws_rds_subnet_group
    • aws_rds_instance
    • aws_server_certificate
    • aws_cloudsearch_domain
  • Updated the machine resource to use the AWS SDK V2 instead of V1.
    • This SDK is being actively developed.  Eventually we will switch all resources to use this SDK.
    • As a cookbook author you should not see a difference in your recipes.
    • Your existing bootstrap_options should continue to work, but we now support the full hash of options listed in the AWS documentation except the count attributes.
      • This allow specifying more complex network_interfaces and block_device_mappings than the V1 SDK supported.
    • Credentials should work the same except now we support IAM instance profiles if the provisioning workstation is an AWS node.  See the docs.
  • Removed a bunch of warnings by updating to use new chef features instead of deprecated ones.
  • Improved the tagging interface.  Read more here.
    • The TL;DR is that all taggable resources (base and aws_*) now support tagging through the aws_tags attribute.
  • Tests now provide code coverage metrics when ran.
  • Specifying from_image in the machine_options now correctly works to create an instance from an AMI or machine_image resource.
  • You can specify a health check on the load_balancer with the health_check hash in the load_balancer_options attribute.
  • Deprecated the machine_option use_private_ip_for_ssh.  Replaced it with transport_address_location which can have an option of :public_ip, :private_ip or :dns.
  • Added configurable options to avoid the AWS::EC2::Errors::RequestLimitExceeded error – see the section in the README for details.
  • Lots of smaller bug fixes, test improvements and coverage updates!

You can look at the full changelogs here: