Chef Blogs

Hands on with Habitat – West Coast

Jessica DeVita | Posted on | Chef Habitat | community | events

Chef has been on the road hosting workshops to help people take an applications-first approach to automation with Habitat. Our most recent stops on our Hands on With Habitat world tour were March 22 and 23 in San Francisco and San Jose. These workshops are aimed at anyone involved in building, deploying, or managing applications.

Nathen Harvey, VP of Community Development at Chef led the workshops. Attendees learned how to package a Java app on Tomcat with MongoDB and had the chance to try packaging their own app with Habitat. At the end of the evening, we invited participants to share a 5 minute demo on their experiences.

During the San Francisco event hosted at Google, attendee Paul Reed built his legacy php web application, polyratings, in about an hour – and this was his first time trying Habitat!

Attendees of the San Jose event, Amulya Sharma and Deepak Sihag, used demo time to show off the work they have been doing delivering a highly available ELK stack (ElasticSearch, Logstash and Kibana) with Habitat (which they will also be speaking about at ChefConf!). A team from GE showed how they use Chef and Habitat together, and what tasks are best suited to each tool.

Our tour continues next week in Minneapolis and Chicago. If you want to use leading edge technology and embark with us on the journey to invent the new way of managing and deploying applications, then we hope to see you there.

If you’re not in the area, join us in Habitat Community Slack and get started with our online tutorials.