Chef Blogs

Opscode @IBM Innovate

Lucas Welch | Posted on | announcements | community | DevOps | events

Are you headed to Orlando for IBM Innovate next week? If so, be sure to check out Opscode’s VP of Solutions, George Moberly, at the event spreading the good word on Chef.

George will be both a panelists and presenter as part of the Open Source Lifecycle Summit, talking about #opschef, OpenStack, #DevOps, and much more. If you’re at the show, please be sure to catch up with George at #OSLC.

George will also be taking part in some other panels and roundtable interview during the show, so he’ll be hard to miss.

In case you missed the news at #ChefConf 2013, it’s worth revisiting our work with IBM to integrate Chef and SmartCloud, as well as create content for WebSphere. This is just the beginning of our collaborations with IBM, so stay tuned for more news in the coming months.