Chef Blogs

Supermarket 2.4.2 Security Release

Robb Kidd | Posted on | community | release | Releases

Supermarket 2.4.2 is now available. This release contains a bug fix and security updates. Supermarket version 2.4.2 is a recommended update for all users running their own instances of Supermarket. Packages are available in the stable repository. If you are using the Supermarket omnibus cookbook, upgrading to this version involves updating your wrapper cookbook’s attributes to `[‘supermarket_omnibus’][‘package_version’] = ‘2.4.2’`, performing a chef run, and executing `sudo supermarket-ctl reconfigure` and `sudo supermarket-ctl restart`. The community Supermarket has already been updated.

Security Fixes:

  • Upgraded OpenSSL in omnibus package
  • Upgraded Rails

Bug Fixes:

  • Corrected links directing users to create or log in to their Hosted Chef account.

Full changelog.