Chef Blogs

Chef 0.9.14 Packages

Bryan McLellan | Posted on | announcements | Releases

Debian and Ubuntu packages are now available on for the Chef 0.9.14 release. Those users preferring to install Chef and its dependencies from system packages should head on over to the wiki page for installation from Debian and Ubuntu packages.

There are a couple new dependencies and workarounds on our apt server to be aware of in this package release:

CHEF-2098: When we fixed a JSON nesting issue in CHEF-1292, the version requirement for the JSON Ruby library was consequently increased through the use of a new argument. Debian and Ubuntu have a quite old version of the JSON library, 1.1.9 to be exact. Thus we’ve included a JSON package for version 1.4.6 in our repository.

CHEF-1316: Debian stable (squeeze) uses a new init system called insserv and an old debian init script bug in the rabbitmq-server package is now a show-stopper. Insserv will fail to start packages that depend on rabbitmq-server without this fix. Since chef-solr depends on rabbitmq-server, we have included a rabbitmq-server package with a fix.

CHEF-2069: Debian also dropped solr from the current stable release due to a lack of maintainers. It looks like it will return in future releases, but we’ve put a backported solr package up for stable/squeeze.

These packages have been tested on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (lucid), 10.10 (maverick), Debian stable (squeeze) and unstable (sid).

We’ve also been doing some work preparing recent debian and redhat packages of gecode, a library we’re using as part of the dependency solver in Chef 0.10. These will be ready soon and well help ensure that we release Chef 0.10 the dependencies will remain easily available.