Chef Blogs

DevOps is a Career Bet – Are You Willing to take it?

Lucas Welch | Posted on | DevOps | news

DevOps is permeating the enterprise. And as we at Chef have often espoused, it’s both a technical and professional movement. At the helm of the professional side are careers – DevOps changes career paths. It alters job functions.

While DevOps has been cited as one of the most lucrative technical professions – cites Chef skills are one of a few that will get you a $110,000-plus salary – it’s also an incredibly complex and demanding profession. If able to adequately manage a career in DevOps, it can be highly rewarding and fulfilling to have a profound impact on how your business operates and how your teams work together.

So how do you get on the path to success with a career in DevOps?

Our friend Adam Bertram (also known as Adam the Automator), offers these tips:

And on the last point of making yourself known, our own VP of Partner Engineering James Casey shares his thoughts on how to break into management:

“Regardless of whatever system your company uses for documenting your long-term career aspirations and directions, your one-on-one meetings with your manager are the best time to discuss your goals in detail. If you and your manager are both agreed on the path you need to take to reach management-level responsibility, then they will also be your biggest advocate. That’s the best route to success.”

Are you ready to join the DevOps movement? We suggest starting with a quick lesson in DevOps Kungfu, then dig deeper at our brand new Learn Chef site.

You might also be interested in our upcoming webinar, “Why DevOps Won’t Automate You Out of a Job,” on May 4, 2016. Industry analyst and president of Intellyx Jason Bloomberg, and Pauly Comtois, VP of DevOps at Hearst Business Media, will have a thought-provoking, in-depth discussion of how DevOps impacts individual’s roles within the organization.