Chef Blogs

Nominate an Awesome Chef!

Dan Webb | Posted on | community

Hello Chefs!

This year we have again made the decision to make ChefConf a digital event. We have plenty of accessible content no matter where you are on your journey with Chef products. 

Just like in the past, we will be running the Awesome Chef awards. Just because we’re not together again this year doesn’t mean we can’t celebrate how awesome you’ve all been!

If you’re new to our community, the Awesome Chef awards are an opportunity to recognize folks who have contributed to the overall awesomeness of the community. Each year we solicit nominations from the community and winners are announced at ChefConf. 

So we want to hear from you! What new projects, features, or ideas have helped you on your journey with Chef Infra, Chef InSpec, and Chef Habitat in the past year? Who has gone above and beyond to help you out and answer your questions? Who was there when you just needed to vent about a frustration? You can nominate anyone, including yourself! The only rule is that no prior winner (a list of prior winners can be found on GitHub) will be awarded a repeat prize. We know those folks are awesome! 

To nominate someone, fill out the nomination form. If you’d like to learn more about past winners, take a look at the Awesome Community Chefs from 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, and 2016

We’ll run the nominations until August 1st, 2021, and the winners will be announced in September.