Chef Blogs

Secure Your Enterprise By Treating Compliance as Code

Lucas Welch | Posted on | compliance | news

Regulatory compliance and security concerns are facts of life for every enterprise. Businesses are facing increased scrutiny in a world where data breaches and security hacks happen every other day. Companies need to be agile in order to respond to attacks, but the average business takes 256 days to find compromises! That leaves sensitive company and consumer data vulnerable.

There’s a simple way to help identity these security breaches earlier and solve them faster.

Companies need to treat compliance and security as code, just like infrastructure, applications, and microservices. Our Chief Enterprise Architect and VP of Worldwide Transformation, Justin Arbuckle, says it best in Corporate Compliance Insights:

“When you’re able to bring compliance into the software pipeline, you remove laborious processes of paper trails, reviews and multiple sign-offs spanning weeks and months.”

And for our customers, the proof is in the pudding.

When Shellshock hit in 2014, a major financial institution we work with saw drastic differences in its servers that were treated as code using Chef and those that had not yet migrated. Systems that are treated as code can self-report, meaning the security team can quickly and easily identify the vulnerability and patch accordingly.

Interested in learning more about how you can begin your high-velocity compliance process? You can get a free compliance assessment here to get started. And read more from experts in the field on our Compliance at Velocity Medium page.