Chef Blogs

Chef Client 12.1.1 Released

Jay Mundrawala | Posted on | community | Releases

Ohai Chef,

We’ve just released Chef Client 12.1.1. This release includes a fixes for regressions reported from the Chef Client 12.1.0 release. Below are the list of changes:

* **Phil Dibowitz**:
Issue 3008 Allow people to pass in `source` to package
* Issue 3011 `package` provider base should include
`Chef::Mixin::Command` as there are still providers that use it.
* **Ranjib Dey**:
Issue 3019 Fix data fetching when explicit attributes are passed
* Bump OpenSSL to 1.0.0q on Windows

## How do I get it?
You can visit our download page.

Additionally you can use this command to download the latest version of the Chef Client on platforms other than windows:

curl -L | sudo bash -s -\- -v 12.1.1

For Windows, you can download this version using this link: Chef Client 12.1.1

## Get Help
If you run into any issues with this release, please file an issue on Github or drop an email on our chef and chef-dev mailing lists.