Chef Blogs

Our First Month with Learn Chef Rally

Jade Furubayashi | Posted on | learnchef

One month ago, we launched a new learning site for Chef practitioners called Learn Chef Rally. The release was a very exciting moment for our team and we were thrilled to share it all with many of you at ChefConf 2017. We debuted a completely revamped website, with 12 tracks and over 50 modules.

It’s not all tweets. The positive feedback translated into usage. Here are some highlights:

  • Over 12,000 of you tried one or more modules
  • 3,000+ rallygoers created accounts to track progress and start collecting badges. Nice work everyone!
  • You have collected more than 650 badges for completing tracks so far! Here are the most popular badges and how many people have earned each so far.

Getting Started: 326

Infrastructure Automation: 102

Developer Essentials: 52

Local Development and Testing: 31

Becoming Part of the Chef Community: 25

If you haven’t started collected badges, head to Learn Chef Rally to create your account or log in.
Already have those badges and looking for a new challenge? Give our Extending Chef, Integrated Compliance or Continuous Automation tracks a spin. These badges are much harder to come by!

Coming Back for More

The most exciting and encouraging stat that I’ve pulled thus far is the Learn Chef return rate. We’re seeing 20% more users return to on the same day since the launch of Learn Chef Rally. Our mission is to make Learn Chef Rally something that you all would enjoy and find useful, this metric shows me that we’re on the right path.
If you haven’t had a chance to check out Learn Chef Rally, be sure to do so by clicking here. Be sure to log in or create an account to track your progress.
Thank you all for helping us make Learn Chef Rally a success. Stay tuned for more updates and more content very soon.