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Hosted Chef End-of-Life Announcement and Next Steps

Jnanankur Ghosh Mark Cavins | Posted on | Chef Infra | Chef InSpec | Chef Manage | Chef SaaS | Hosted Chef

Progress Hosted Chef, the cloud-hosted solution to manage all Chef products, has reached its end-of-life (EOL) stage. While this may seem like a significant change, it aligns with our commitment to delivering innovative solutions. Our team is thrilled to introduce Chef SaaS as a seamless transition from Hosted Chef.

We will decommission all support and updates to Hosted Chef on November 30, 2024. The result of this EOL is that we will eliminate all related functionality from You can move to Chef SaaS, the enhanced Progress Chef hosted solution. With Chef SaaS, you can save time and effort as Chef takes care of the setup and deployment of all products, allowing IT teams to focus on accelerating time-to-value and innovation.

Here are the important dates and information you need to know about the EOL of Hosted Chef.

Transition Plan and Timelines

  1. Announcement of Hosted Chef EOL: The announcement of EOL for Hosted Chef was communicated on January 16, 2024.
  2. Transition Plan from Hosted Chef: Customers are encouraged to transition to Chef SaaS to continue benefiting from our services. To get help from our team with next steps, please fill out this form.
  3. Renewals: All renewals will be restricted to Chef SaaS starting Feb 1, 2024. All renewals will have a required date for a customer to move off Hosted Chef.
  4. Monthly recurring functionality: All monthly recurring functionality will be restricted after June 1, 2024. All customers will be required to be on annual contracts.
  5. New Signups: New signups to Hosted Chef will be restricted as of June 1, 2024. Customers may use CLI commands to add users to their organization, but the UI will be restricted for new sign-ups. See our user documentation for more information.
  6. Wrapping up the transition: Customers who would like Progress to continue hosting their environments should move to Chef SaaS by November 20, 2024.
  7. Data Backup Deadline: All data should be backed up by 9 p.m. PT on November 29, 2024.
  8. Services Going Offline: On November 30, 2024, will be permanently decommissioned.

Key Details About Chef SaaS

Chef SaaS is a cloud-based approach to DevOps automation of heterogeneous IT environments. This solution helps organizations lower IT costs, accelerate time-to-market and foster a collaborative ecosystem for cross-functional teams.

Why Chef SaaS?

Chef SaaS is not just a replacement—it's an enhancement. With its cloud-based capabilities, Chef SaaS empowers your organization to adapt to the ever-evolving landscape of IT. Here are five reasons why Chef SaaS is a good solution to continue using Chef products.

  1. Faster implementation speed lets your team focus on building new products or features for your customers.
  2. Faster time to value allows you to bring your products to market in less time, giving you a competitive edge.
  3. No initial infrastructure costs mean fewer barriers to entry for your DevOps transformation.
  4. Auto software version and patch upgrades enable additional savings on resources and prevent security vulnerabilities.
  5. A SaaS-based solution's total cost of ownership for DevOps transformation is comparatively less than that of other solutions.

Reach Out for Assistance

We understand that for this transition, you will need assistance. Regardless of your business needs, our dedicated teams are here to help. We will keep you posted with all the required information during the transition phase. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us.