
Introducing the Install Hook!

The 0.74.0 release introduces a new hook to package authors: the install hook. The install hook runs when a package is first installed. This hook is unique in that it runs outside of a service or census context. With all other hooks, like init and run just to name a couple, the owning package must be loaded as a Supervisor service in order to execute the hook’s behavior. The install hook can be packaged with any package regardless of whether it will run as a service and will execute when the package is installed. This installation may occur completely separate from any running Supervisor. For instance it could be triggered by a hab pkg install command but may also be triggered by a Supervisor’s hab svc load if the package has not yet been installed. Further, it could be a dependency of another package being installed. Because the package does not need to run as a service, any uninstalled package with an install hook in the dependency tree of an installing package will have this hook executed as part of the parent installation.

Why a new hook?

Sometimes installing software involves much more than simply laying files on disk. In many cases, simply extracting the files packaged in a hart file to the /hab/pkgs folders and ensuring that some environment variables are set at runtime are all that is needed for an application to behave. However in some cases, there may be required system API calls needed to ensure that software components are correctly registered with certain OS sub systems. This is often the case with Windows applications which may require registry keys to be set, Windows features to be enabled or complicated install scripts and binaries to run before the software can be considered installed and ready to use.

Today we manage these kinds of applications in Habitat by including this installation behavior inside of an init or run hook. This has worked but what if the application is a command line tool, a library, or a stand alone application that runs outside of a Supervisor? In such cases, you must deploy the application as a service and include a run hook that simply spins and sleeps. Even if the application is a service, what if it has dependencies like IIS or COM components that require the execution of scripts to fully register and configure those key dependencies. Well we either bundle those dependencies with the parent app or include their installation scripts with the parent package requiring the parent application to “know” intimate details about its dependencies.

With the install hook we can now break these applications up so that any installation behavior needed in a dependant package can be managed by that package. This also means that one can install Habitat packages that run as stand-alone applications and not be required to run them as services in order to execute their installation scripts.

An example install hook scenario

To illustrate where an install hook may be convenient, I’ll use a legacy Windows web application that we use in some Habitat demonstrations. This application requires IIS and ASP.Net 3.5 as well as a dependency on a COM library. Before leveraging the new install hook, its pkg_deps looked like:

$pkg_deps=@("core/dsc-core", "core/sql-dmo")

Its init hook registered the COM component packaged in the sql-dmo package:

."$env:SystemRoot\SysWow64\regsvr32.exe" /s "{{pkgPathFor "core/sql-dmo"}}\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn\sqldmo.dll"

So my web application needs to know that its sql-dmo dependency is COM based and must be aware of how such dependencies are registered as well as the exact files in the dependent package that must be referenced.

It’s run hook uses the dsc-core dependency to execute the following DSC configuration:

WindowsFeature netfx3 
    Ensure = "Present"
    Name = "NET-Framework-Core"
    {{#if cfg.netfx3_source}}
        Source = "{{cfg.netfx3_source}}"

WindowsFeature ASP 
    Ensure = "Present"
    Name = "WEB-ASP-NET"

WindowsFeature static_content 
    Ensure = "Present"

This makes sure that the .NET 3.5 runtime is installed, IIS is enabled, and the ASP.Net ISAPI filters are configured and that additionally the WEB-STATIC-CONTENT feature is enabled so that IIS can serve images, stylesheets and static html files.

What if I wanted to install several applications that depended on the same .NET 3.5 framework or leveraged IIS or ASP.Net? Each application would need to include this same DSC (or equivelent) behavior.

Let’s see how this works differently with the install hook.

In this case my web application does not need an install hook, but if I could have dependencies with install hooks, my pkg_deps looks like this:

$pkg_deps=@("core/dsc-core", "core/sql-dmo", "core/iis-webserverrole", "core/dotnet-35sp1-runtime", "core/iis-aspnet35")

I still need dsc-core to configure my app_pool with IIS, but that is fine since it is an application specific concern. I’m using a new sql-dmo release that has an install hook which can register itself:

."$env:SystemRoot\SysWow64\regsvr32.exe" /s "{{pkg.path}}\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn\sqldmo.dll"

Now my application does not need to concern itself at all with this detail.

Additionally, I now have dependencies for IIS, the .Net 3.5 framework and a package that enables ASP.Net to be configured into IIS. Each of these dependencies have an install hook that enables the appropriate Windows feature(s). As an example, here is the install hook for the iis-webserverrole package:

function Test-Feature {
    Write-Host "Check if IIS-WebServerRole is enabled..."
    $(dism /online /get-featureinfo /featurename:IIS-WebServerRole) -contains "State : Enabled"

if (!(Test-Feature)) {
    Write-Host "Enabling IIS-WebServerRole..."
    dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:IIS-WebServerRole
    if (!(Test-Feature)) {
        Write-Host "IIS-WebServerRole was not enabled!"
        exit 1

This uses dism to check and enable our Windows feature. Not as elegant as DSC but I know this will work back to a vanilla 2008 R2 or Windows 7 OS. If for some reason, enabling the feature is not succesful, I make sure that the hook exits with a non 0 exit code. Depending on what went wrong, dism will often exit succesfully even if the feature enablement was not succesful. If the install hook returns a non 0 exit code, Habitat considers the install hook execution to be a failure and will retry whenever attempting to load the package or any other package that declares a dependency on this package.

Templating considerations

One can use handlebar templating syntax in an install hook just like any other hook. However because the hook compilation occurs outside of any running Supervisor’s census ring, the install hook and any configuration templates they reference will not have access to package binds or the sys namespace.

Another important difference with the install hook is that it should not reference configuration files located in {{pkg.svc_config_path}} – those rendered from a plan’s config folder. Instead, the install hook has access to a new pkg property: {{pkg.svc_config_install_path}} which is the destination of rendered templates located in a plan’s config_install folder. This ensures that templates that are rerendered due to configuration changes in a running Supervisor will not trigger a service restart if they only impact the installation of a package.

Core plans supporting install hooks

The following plans have been added that leverage an install hook:


These plans have been modified to support an install hook:


The sql-dmo plan now adds its own COM registration as mentioned above and the sqlserver and sqlserver2005 plans provide install hooks so that a hab pkg export docker can install SQL Server during the Docker image build as discussed below.

New windows-service package running .NET Core

To support the installation of .NET 4.x runtimes in an install hook where you are running the Habitat Supervisor as a Windows service using the windows-service package, we have migrated this package to run on .NET Core. At the time it was initially written, .NET Core did not support Windows services. Running as a .NET 4 Full Framework application, .NET 4 runtimes cannot be updated while the service is running without requiring a reboot. Migrating to .NET Core allows .NET 4 runtime packages to install without this issue.

In case you edit the service’s configuration to adjust logging or debug settings, be aware that the logging configurations have been moved to c:\hab\svc\windows-service\log4net.xml and all other settings are now in c:\hab\svc\windows-service\HabService.dll.config.

Docker exporter behavior

One other behavior change that comes with the install hook is that the Docker exporter will execute the install hook as part of the Docker image build. This is especially helpful when a service has install behavior that takes a long time to run. Currently if this behavior is in an init hook, the installation will occur on every docker run of the image but with an install hook it can be a one time operation that occurs during the export operation.

The new --memory argument

We have added a new Docker exporter argument --memory to support some common installation scenarios. The value passed to this argument is simply forwarded to docker build. To illustrate when you would use the --memory argument, imagine installing something like SQL Server. If you are using Docker from a Windows 10 environment, the default amount of memory allocated to a container is 1GB. However, installing SQL Server will likely fail with only a single GB of RAM. I can use the --memory argument to set an alternate amount of memory like 2gb which is adequate for installing SQL Server.

Manipulating configuration data during the image build

Sticking with our SQL Server scenario, the default service account configured to run SQL Server in the core/sqlserver plan is NT AUTHORITY\Network Service, which is absolutely the best default in a non-container environment. However, a container based SQL Server install should run under NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM. The best (and only) way to override configuration defaults during a docker export is to use a HAB_ environment variables because we cannot mount a user.toml into the docker build. So if I set the HAB_SQLSERVER environment variable just before runing hab pkg export docker:

$env:HAB_SQLSERVER="{`"svc_account`":`"NT AUTHORITY\\SYSTEM`"}"

my export should override any settings in the plan’s default.toml with the toml specified above.

Enabling the INSTALL_HOOK Habitat feature

The install hook is currently an “experimental” Habitat feature and must be enabled in order for any of the install hook behavior to run. To enable this feature, set the HAB_FEAT_INSTALL_HOOK environment variable to any value. This must be set in the following contexts:

  • shell – to enable it for cli commands like hab pkg install and hab pkg export docker
  • Supervisor service – to enable the execution of any install hooks when the Supervisor loads an uninstalled package
  • Studio – to ensure that configuration templates located in the config_install folder are included in a built package’s hart.

Enabling the INSTALL_HOOK feature in a Windows Docker Studio

By setting HAB_FEAT_INSTALL_HOOK before entering any Studio, that variable should be persisted to the new Studio. However, a Windows Docker Studio runs the Supervisor inside of a Windows service which will not have access to the variable in the local shell. The easiest way to ensure that the Supervisor inside of a Windows Docker Studio is running with the INSTALL_HOOK feature enabled is to run the following immediately after entering the studio:

Restart-Service Habitat

This will set the environment variable at the machine scope and restart the Habitat Supervisor for the variable to take effect.

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Matt Wrock

I am a software developer for Chef and much of my focus has been making Chef better on Windows. When not developing Chef code, I'm usually contributing to other projects in the Chef ecosystem. I regularly contribute to the WinRM gem and Vagrant, I am a member of the core Chocolatey team, author of Boxstarter and was an early contributor to Pester creating its Powershell Mocking functionality. I am a former Microsoft engineer and write regularly on Windows automation topics at