
Seth Vargo

Seth Vargo is a Release Engineer and Awesome Community Chef at CHEF. When he is not forcing Jenkins to bend to his will, Seth is contributing to Chef core, writing cookbooks, or working on new open source tooling. Seth is the author or core team member for Berkshelf, Fauxhai, ChefSpec, Strainer and more. Seth was the original author of #learnchef and drinks a lot of Diet Coke. Seth regularly hangs out on IRC, Twitter, and GitHub. You can find him under the single moniker "@sethvargo" almost everywhere on the Internet.

Chef & Rails CVE-2014-3482

At 17:11 UTC, the Rails security team publicized CVE-2014-3482 and CVE-2014-3483. In short, this vulnerability is related to the PostgreSQL adapater in ActiveRecord. A bug in the SQL quoting code could allow an attacker to carefully craft a request and execute a SQL injection.

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Omnibus, a look forward

Over the last few weeks, we have announced some exciting new improvements to the way Chef Software operates in the open source world. We announced the improved Contributor License Agreement process, the soft opening of Supermarket, and updates to the way we triage Chef products.

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Berkshelf Workflow

This article is cross-posted from There are only two fundamental assumptions for working with Berkshelf: 1. Each cookbook is a uniquely packaged and versioned artifact 2.

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The Making of #learnchef

The Making of Learn Chef What’s the fastest way for a new user to go from zero to ‘converge’? – Bryan Hale A few weeks ago, we launched the #learnchef campaign. #learnchef was designed to improve our content by helping more users successfully converge their first node.

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