Chef’s 2016 Year in… Haiku

Happy New Year! Most people don’t care if a company wishes them greetings on a holiday (some even prefer one less email during a break). And most people don’t care much about how many employees a company hired or the number of new customers added in a given year. So we want to be respectful. We won’t bore you with pages upon pages of facts you don’t care about. But our Community accomplished a great deal in 2016, and we wanted to share some memorable moments that you all helped create.

We present to you

without further ado, this

past year in Haiku.

Adam Jacob in Wired Magazine

Run any application

anywhere, with open source

project Habitat.

AWS OpsWorks for Chef Automate Announcement

Working with partners

makes us excited for what

is coming up next.

Austin, customers,

DevOps and stories. Doesn’t

get better than ChefConf!

New cookbooks and contributors in the Chef community

New contributors and

new cookbooks. Welcome to our

Chef community!

Top Chef webinar of 2016

Never stop learning!

30 live webinars helped teach new

Chef, industry skills.

Most viewed Chef blog post of 2016

With 200 posts, we narrowed

it down to our top 10 views.

Stay tuned for more news.

What were some of your favorite moments from 2016 (in haiku, of course)?

Lucas Welch

Former Chef Employee