Elastic and the Chef Partner Cookbook Program

I’m delighted to announce that Elastic is now part of the Chef Partner Cookbook Program. Elastic’s cookbook named elasticsearch will install and help configure your elastic instance.

Elastic provides real-time insights and makes massive amounts of structured and unstructured data usable for developers and enterprises. Built around four open source products — Elasticsearch, Kibana, Logstash and Beats — Elastic powers many of the world’s leading mobile, social, consumer and business applications. To learn more, visit www.elastic.co.

The Chef Partner Cookbook Program is a collaboration between Chef and the vendor to help validate cookbooks in our public supermarket.

Congratulations to elastic!

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JJ Asghar

JJ works with Strategic Technical Alliances at Chef Software making integrations work with Chef, Habitat, and InSpec. He works on everything from Azure, VMware, OpenStack, and Cisco with everything in between. He also heads up the Chef Partner Cookbook Program to make sure customers of Chef and vendors get the highest quality certified cookbooks. He grew up and currently lives in Austin, Texas.