Chef Desktop in 60 Seconds
Make your automation journey easier for hybrid cloud servers and Desktops
This short video demonstrates some of the key features of Chef Desktop, a configuration management solution for Linux, Windows and macOS.
Today's Chef Infra gives IT teams the same valuable DevOps tools they need to make infrastructure-as-code a reality for managing Windows, macOS and Linux workstations.
With Chef Desktop, you can configure staff systems quickly and consistently and make sure they remain that way over time.
Start by writing simple Chef cookbooks that install applications, set time zones, create users, enforce firewall rules and much more. Chef profiles confirm your configurations are in force.
Versioned configuration and compliance code is stored on your Chef Infra Server. It's distributed to all the desktops you manage, and they report back. Base applications and custom configurations are automatically applied whenever the chef-client runs. Changes you make are applied without admins ever having to logon to user desktops.
Monitor the state of your systems with the Chef Automate Dashboard. It shows all your managed desktops in a single view. As systems check in, you and your team can quickly see any problems and drill down to view details of each configuration.
Chef has been part of the DevOps revolution for more than 10 years…and we continue to innovate… Like adding Compliance Phase. It allows you to easily bundle Infra management with InSpec compliance in one step. These are just some of the ways Chef is leading in DevSecOps.