Ian Henry
As the Technical Community Advocate for Habitat, Ian is actively helping the Community and ecosystem grow., He spends much of his time helping people learn about containerization, distributed systems, and the ways that Habitat makes those things easy. Prior to joining Chef, Ian spent a number of years as an operational and tooling engineer.
2017 Habitat Year in Review

By Ian Henry
Wow. 2017 Is finally drawing to a close. Part of me feels like this year has stretched on forever, and part of me feels like I was looking at a 2016 calendar just yesterday.
Read moreHabitat Discourse Migration

By Ian Henry
Hello inHabitants! In our perpetual effort to find better ways to keep our community connected, informed, and cared for we’ve made the decision to retire the Habitat Discourse Site and migrate to something we hope will be more useful.
Read Governance and Issue Tracking

By Ian Henry
Hopefully our previous blog and discourse posts have given you some general understanding around the way we govern the Habitat project. But, as a group of people hoping to share what we’re building with a larger audience we know we can always be doing more to “pull back the curtain”.
Read moreTriage and Contribution Process

By Ian Henry
A super common question that comes up in lots of FOSS communities is “How do I contribute?”. While most projects have a file like a or instructions in a README on how to join in on the open source fun, this question still gets asked quite frequently.
Read moreChefConf 2017 in retrospect

By Ian Henry
Wow! ChefConf 2017 has been wrapped for a week now and we’re slowly recovering from all of the conference festivities. For those that were able to make it, we hope you had a blast and that on returning home you were energized to fuel the love of Habitat in your environments!
Read moreMulti-Service Supervision in Habitat

By Ian Henry
Those of you that have been following along with our regular Habitat release cadence might have noticed a couple of pretty big features dropped last week with version 0.20.0. In fact, one of those features was a breaking change to the way the supervisor functions.
Read moreHello World!

By Ian Henry
As we mentioned during the weekly issue triage this week we’ve decided to move some of the project’s communication over to an “engineering blog”. Now, if you’re reading this then congratulations you found it! It’s basically going to function an awful lot like the currently existing blog on
Read moreHabitat World Tour: Gent, Berlin, Amsterdam

By Ian Henry
The beginning of February kicked off the first leg of our Hands-on With Habitat World Tour and I must say, what an experience it was. A handful of Chef’s spent time visiting FOSDEM, speaking at CfgMgmtCamp, and teaching people how to get started with Habitat at workshops in Gent, Berlin, and Amsterdam!
Read moreHabitat and Docker

By Ian Henry
This is a repost of a blog published on Medium by our friend Ben Dang. Everyone knows how to Docker, right? Here is a typical scenario below. # Build an Image (docker) $ docker build -t bdangit/helloworld .
Read moreHabitat at Rust Belt Rust

By Ian Henry
The Habitat team attended and sponsored 2/3 of the major conferences for the Rust Lang community this year. The most recent being the first annual Rust Belt Rust Conference in Pittsburgh, PA on October 27th and 28th! Some of you might notice when reading those dates: this was only two days after the Habitat Community Summit.
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