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New Chef Commissioned Study States That Enterprise IT Is Too Slow For Business Today
Commissioned Study Conducted by Independent Consulting Firm, and Based on a Survey of Fortune 1000 IT Professionals, Reveals an Industry Crisis Plus Signs of Hope, Thanks to Automation and DevOps SEATTLE – December 9, 2013 – Chef™ (formerly Opscode), IT automation for speed and awesomeness, today announced the publication of an October 2013 commissioned study […]
Release: Chef Client 10.30.2 & 11.8.2 / mixlib-shellout 1.3.0
Ohai Chefs, Today we are releasing 10.30.2 & 11.8.2 of Chef Client as well as 1.3.0 of mixlib-shellout. Release highlights for 10.30.2 & 11.8.2: Omnibus packages of 10.30.2 & 11.8.2 now include ruby version 1.9.3-p484. This ruby version includes a fix to a published security vulnerability in Ruby. Check this for more details. 10.30.2 & 11.8.
Sad News for the Opscode Community
I have some sad news for the Opscode community: Mitch Hill passed away yesterday morning after a difficult fight with cancer. Mitch had a storied career at Accenture, Avanade, and most recently Opscode.
Announcing the release of Management Console and Reporting 1.0.0 for Enterprise Chef
Today we are announcing the release of two add-on components for Enterprise Chef 11.0.2 – Management Console and Reporting. Management Console is a complete rewrite of the existing Chef web interface, providing a more action-oriented view of your infrastructure.
mixlib-config 2.1
mixlib-config has a new minor release with save() and restore(). save will take any values the user has explicitly set and place them in a hash. This does not include defaults. A usage example with Chef::Config, which uses Mixlib::Config: [sourcecode language=”ruby”][/sourcecode] Chef::Config.log_level = ‘debug’ my_hash = # Returns { :log_level => ‘debug’ } Chef::Config.
Chef Server Security Updates
This morning we released Enterprise Chef Server 11.0.2 and Chef Server 11.0.10.
Doing Wrapper Cookbooks Right
One great thing about the Chef community is how various people have dreamed up ways to use Chef. One of the most popular patterns is the wrapper cookbook, first popularized by Awesome Chef Bryan Berry‘s blog post, How to Write Reusable Chef Cookbooks, Gangnam Style.
Announcing the Release of Test Kitchen 1.0.0
It is very exciting to announce the release of Test Kitchen 1.0.0 this week. This history of this project is long and winding but if you’re interested check out the Test Kitchen #ChefConf 2013 talk for the background. Test Kitchen is a test harness tool to execute your configured code on one or more platforms in isolation.
Community Cookbooks
Earlier this month we held the third annual Opscode Community Summit. There, we shared some lessons we’ve learned about publishing and maintaining community cookbooks. For those that could not be there, we’d like to share them with you as well.