

Chef-12 Dynamic Resource and Provider Resolution

Background In Chef 12 the old Chef::Platform hashmap located in `lib/chef/platform/provider_mapping.rb` has been deprecated. In its place is a dynamic provider and resolver resolution mechanism which is preferred and which can be manipulated via DSL methods on the resource and provider.

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Chef Server 12.0.3 Released

Today we released Chef Server 12.0.3. The biggest component of this release is an early implementation of multikey authentication and `chef-server-ctl` commands you can use to build your own key rotation!

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Chef Management Console 1.9.0 Release

Manage 1.9.0 is now available from the Chef downloads site. This release includes packages that work on Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty) and Redhat Enterprise Linux 7, as well as numerous bug fixes and low-severity security updates. As always you can see the public changelog on hosted Chef at

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ChefDK 0.4.0 Released!

Ohai Chefs! Today we released ChefDK 0.4.0. As promised in an earlier blog post, this release includes the latest stable version of Chef Client. Other than that, we’ve gone through and updated a lot of packages that ship with ChefDK.  These include: chef 12.0.3 chefspec 4.2.0 chef-provisioning 0.18 chef-provisioning-aws 0.2.1 chef-provisioning-fog 0.12 chef-vault 2.4.

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Chef 11.18.6 Released

Ohai Chefs, We’ve just released Chef 11.18.6. This release pins the cacerts bundle to a known working version, which should work around issues where SSL connections would fail due to certificate errors. ## Wait… You skipped 11.18.2 and 11.18.4 I found minor issues with both of these releases (incorrect hyperlinks, incorrect gem version).

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Chef Server 12.0.2 Release

Ohai! Today we’ve released Chef Server 12.0.2, a small bugfix release that addresses a critical bug in the upgrade process from Enterprise Chef 11 that was causing upgrades to hang during long-running migrations. The latest packages can be downloaded from

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Chef Analytics 1.1.1 security release

### Description We shipped Analytics `1.1.0` with a development configuration setting enabled that disabled authentication on the endpoints used to create and modify rules and notification aliases. This meant that rules could be created or modified without having to be logged in as a valid chef user. We have released version `1.1.

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Chef Analytics 1.1.0 Release

We are happy to announce the release of the Chef analytics 1.1.0 package (`opscode-analytics-1.1.0`). `1.1.0` is the new production release, and has many new features over the `1.0.x` series. You can download the release from the Chef analytics download page.

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ChefDK 0.3.6 Released!

Hi Chefs, Today we released ChefDK 0.3.6. This release includes a bunch of new stuff: * Custom generator cookbooks can now be configured in your config.rb/knife.rb * `chef generate` will now generate ChefSpec tests for new recipes, and ServerSpec tests when a kitchen.

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Release: Chef Client 11.18.0

Ohai Chefs, We’ve just released Chef 11.18.0. This release includes the following changes: ## 11.18.0 * Fix an issue where knife could load commands from a different version of chef in ChefDK. ChefDK #227 * Removed dependencies on the ‘json’ gem, replaced with ffi-yajl. Use Chef::JSONCompat library for parsing and printing.

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