

Working with Knife and HP Cloud Services

We are excited to announce the availability of the new Opscode Knife plugin for HP Cloud Services. This plugin gives knife the ability to create, bootstrap and manage instances in HP Cloud Services Compute, currently in beta.

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Join Opscode at SCALE!

Opscode is proud to be a sponsor of the Southern California Linux Expo (SCALE) this upcoming weekend in Los Angeles. SCALE is one of the premier open source events in the United States and we encourage you to attend.

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Food Fight, the New Chef Community Podcast

Food Fight is a new podcast for the Chef community, discussing and summarizing the assorted news and topics of the day. It’s hosted by community member Bryan Berry and Opscode employee Matt Ray. They plan on interviewing lots of people from the greater Chef community and publishing every few weeks.

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New knife plugin for Voxel

Our good friends at Voxel have published a new knife plugin for provisioning and managing Voxel cloud instances. The gem is available on RubyGems and you can install it with gem install knife-voxel If you feel like digging into the code and seeing how it works, it’s all available on their GitHub page as well.

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Guide to Writing Chef Cookbooks

I wanted smartmontools installed to monitor the disk health of my LAN server at home. This is not an uncommon thing to want to do, so I thought I’d write and share a Chef cookbook for it.

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Chef Fundamentals Open Training Update

I am pleased to announce that Opscode’s Chef Fundamentals open training materials have been updated to a new version. If you signed up for Open Training in the last month or so, you should have received a link to the updated materials.

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Cloudtrainings.com Chef & Amazon EC2 training

If you’re in Los Angeles on Saturday August 6, Cloudtrainings.com will be offering Quick Start Cloud Automation with Amazon EC2 and Opscode Chef.

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Update on the Future of Opscode’s Cookbooks

This is an update on the blog post we made a couple weeks back regarding the future of Opscode’s cookbooks and cookbooks repository. We are going to switch master branch to reflect the changes that have been made in the 0.10.0 branch this week.

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Deploy Django CMS with Chef

Calling all Pythonistas! Would you like to deploy Django apps with Chef? Then check out the latest in our Quickstart series, where we give you full instructions and an accompanying video on standing up a Django CMS multi-node instance in Amazon E2, with a load balanced app tier and separate MySQL server.

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Future of Opscode Cookbooks

We’re making changes to the Opscode cookbooks repository about what cookbooks we include and how we provide support for them. As a large number of people rely on our cookbooks, we want to be clear about the intentions of the repository, and how we plan to release and support cookbooks going forward.

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