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Patrick is a Consultant at tecRacer Group (a trusted Chef partner) and has more than 3 years of experience with Chef.   tecRacer is proud to announce their first Germany Chef Usergroup. It does not matter if you are new, just interested, or a professional Chef user.

Patrick Schaumburg

Chef Habitat provides automation capabilities for defining, packaging, and delivering applications to almost any environment with any operating system, on any platform. Over the last year, we’ve seen organizations like Alaska Airlines, Rakuten, Walmart, and Rizing address a broad range of application delivery automation challenges with Habitat.

Mike Krasnow

Registration for ChefConf 2020 is now open. Join us in Seattle or London (or both) this June!

Mandi Walls

ChefConf 2020 will be the best gathering of the Chef Community yet. We rely on our community to help us see all the amazing use cases for our products and help us make them better.

Mandi Walls

The deadline for the ChefConf 2020 CFP is coming up fast! We know you have lots of great ideas out there for submissions, so make sure to get those in. Don’t miss out on your opportunity to tell your story to the Chef Community this June in Seattle or London!

Mandi Walls

Okay, okay, okay. You know the ChefConf 2020 CFP is open. We’ve kinda been reminding you pretty regularly, right?  So hopefully you’ve taken the time to submit something. Lots of folks have, and thank you! Maybe you’re still not sure what you could talk about at ChefConf?

Mandi Walls

The ChefConf 2020 CFP is well underway. Have you put your topic in yet? If you’re still thinking about what talk you’d like to present, maybe you’re considering a talk about Chef InSpec?  InSpec is a powerful tool for investigating and reporting on the security of your various infrastructure components, including resources in the cloud.

Mandi Walls

Early in 2019, we made some pretty major changes to how members of the community gain access and roles in the various Chef Infra, Chef Habitat, and Chef Inspec Github projects. While these changes were discussed heavily in the Community Slack, they were not captured in a durable medium for future reference.

benny Vasquez

Hello ChefFriends! Are you thinking about submitting to the ChefConf 2020 Call for Presentations? We hope you are! If you’re searching for some topic suggestions, here’s a few for folks working with Chef Infra! For all of our past ChefConf talks, check out our YouTube Channel for recordings.

Mandi Walls