Michael Ducy
Former Chef Employee
Why Habitat? The Habitat Supervisor and its Environment

By Michael Ducy
This is the fourth post in our series, Why Habitat? You can catch up with Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. In our last post, we began covering the Habitat supervisor. We explored how it allows you to manage the runtime life cycle of your application.
Read moreWhy Habitat? The Supervisor and Run Lifecyle

By Michael Ducy
This is the third post in our series, Why Habitat? You can catch up with Part 1 and Part 2. In our previous posts, we talked about packaging your applications and compared results between packaging using a Dockerfile vs using Habitat. The core of Habitat packaging is the plan.
Read moreWhy Habitat? – Plans and Packages, Part 2

By Michael Ducy
TL;DR: Wow, a 2000 word blog post. Habitat is a better way to package apps, and creates better containers. Walk through the Habitat tutorial here. In part 1 of this blog post series, we talked about how Habitat approaches the problem of Application Packaging.
Read moreWhy Habitat? – Plans and Packages, Part 1

By Michael Ducy
Habitat is Chef’s solution for application packaging and delivery: automation that travels with the application. This is the first in a multi-part series on the concepts behind Habitat. Application Automation is a big topic and relies upon multiple services from packaging, to service discovery, to runtime supervision, and deployment topologies.
Read moreChef Analytics + Slack = Awesome

By Michael Ducy
Recently at Chef we moved to Slack for our internal messaging and collaboration tool. While this was awesome for us, our analytics product, Chef Analytics, had integrations written specifically for our old tool, Hipchat.
Read moreChef Now Available in Azure Marketplace

By Michael Ducy
We are excited to announce the availability of Chef in the Azure Marketplace. Users of Azure are now able to instantly launch a Chef server with the Management and Reporting features enabled.
Read moreTarget Spreads DevOps Love with an Internal DevOpsDays

By Michael Ducy
I had the pleasure of being invited to participate in Target’s internal DevOpsDays this past Friday. The team at Target wanted to replicate the wildly successful, community led series of DevOpsDays that are held through out the world.
Read moreParkinson’s Law, DevOps, and Kingdoms

By Michael Ducy
This post was originally published on Goat Can. Destruction of silos is all the rage in DevOps and has been since the beginning of the movement. Patrick Debois wrote a very intelligent piece on why silos exist and how they came about as a management strategy.
Read moreDevOps: What if everything we’ve been doing is wrong?

By Michael Ducy
This post was originally published on Goat Can. After I wrote my last post, I was talking with Donnie Berkholz as we traveled to FOSDEM. Donnie commented on how powerful of a post it was, yet it left the reader hanging. He, and other readers, wanted more.
Read moreEnterprise IT & DevOps: You’re Not a Beautiful and Unique Snowflake

By Michael Ducy
This post was originally published on Goat Can. “You are not special. You’re not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You’re the same decaying Enterprise IT Org as everyone else. We’re all part of the same compost heap. We’re all singing, all dancing crap of IT.
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