

Quantifying DevOps Outcomes: Increasing Speed

On March 22, we held our third webinar in a four part series focused on digital transformation. In that session, we focused on the considerations around increasing speed. In case you missed it, you can watch a recording of the second episode, “Increasing Speed” below.

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Building vertically integrated software delivery teams through DevOps

When software is what creates the relationship between customers and business then those businesses have to compete for market share by continuously updating and improving their software.

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Chef at DevOpsDays Baltimore 2017

The Event Baltimore held its inaugural DevOpsDays on March 7-8, 2017 at UMBC’s Columbus Center, the home of the Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology (IMET) in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor. The space was dynamic with open tiers for presentations and quiet corners for open spaces. Chef had a strong presence as a Platinum sponsor.

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Continued learning at ChefConf helps drive Digital transformation

Cultivating Chef and DevOps skills If you’re looking to continue cultivating mission-critical skills for digital transformation and expand your DevOps knowledge, join us at ChefConf in Austin, Texas May 22-24! For the first time, we’re offering a special ChefConf and Technical Workshop Pass to attendees, allowing opportunities for skill development in a supportive and focused environment.

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Interop ITX: Let’s Talk DevOps

Open communication is a key driver in the success of any DevOps initiative. Which is why I was excited to participate in a recent DevOps Tweet Chat hosted by the team at InformationWeek and Interop ITX. We kicked off the discussion sharing insight on the success patterns and benefits of DevOps.

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Delivering the Continuous Enterprise with Agile, Lean, and DevOps (ALDO) practices

At Chef we work with teams of developers and operators in the largest enterprises in the world. They are all challenged to keep up with today’s customer expectations which — in digital transformation terms — means shipping ideas faster.

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Achieve Chef Certification at ChefConf 2017

I’m very excited to share the news that we will be offering free Chef certification exams to all registered conference attendees at ChefConf 2017. Take this opportunity to join an elite group of Certified Chef Developers. Showcase your knowledge and proficiency as a Chef user and advance your career! Why Get Chef Certified?

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Chef Survey 2017: Results

We’re happy to announce that the Chef Survey 2017 results are in. Many thanks to everyone who participated and made their voice heard. Our survey focused on gaining a better understanding of the trends in productivity, workforce roles, and technology adoption amongst Chef users in our community. In the first few weeks of January we received over 1500 responses.

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Exclusive Workshops at ChefConf 2017

ChefConf 2017, May 22-24 in Austin, TX is the place to be for the DevOps community! As an attendee, you’ll join a very engaged group of practitioners interested in learning and sharing all things automation and DevOps.

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Digital Transformation and the Competitive Edge

Last week, we started a new, short-form, interactive webinar series focused on digital transformation, measuring success, and quantifying DevOps outcomes. This series is less technical than our typical Chef webinars and takes a closer look at strategy, the rationale behind driving transformation initiatives, and specific milestones that are useful in setting direction.

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