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12 Common DevSecOps Definitions
DevSecOps accelerates the pace of digital transformation. But what is DevSecOps? Developers + Security + Operations. It’s a big deal because it directly impacts speed and security. Your development teams adopting the DevSecOps philosophy secure code faster, more secure, cheaper, and better.
Reducing Multiple Network Calls with Chef InSpec Cloud Resource Packs
Reducing network calls from cloud resources to cloud providers.
Infrastructure Testing and Compliance with Chef and Terraform
This blog discusses how modern configuration management and provisioning tools, such as Chef and Terraform, use the concepts of infrastructure as code and policy as code to deploy secure instances in the cloud.
A Practical Guide to Make DevSecOps an Automated Reality
DevSecOps accelerates the pace of digital transformation. In practice, DevSecOps is meant to be a collaboration between development, security, and operations; it aims to automate the integration of security into every phase of the software development lifecycle. This blog reviews what DevSecOps is, how it can successfully be implemented, and how to reduce cost and save time by minimizing the need to repeat a process to address security issues after the fact.
The Best Developers are Lazy
The best developers are lazy, but that’s because they automate repetitive tasks.
An Introduction to Chef InSpec Waivers
Chef InSpec waivers enable the user to provide justification for skipping controls to which they knowingly are not within compliance.
Are Scripts Slowing Down System Admins? Codify Your Fleet Instead!
Chef codifies your IT resource fleet in a way that automates configuration of diverse complicated systems, while also defining security and compliance standards as human-readable code. It allows quick packaging and distribution of applications across diverse settings.
Deconstructing Compliance and Security – How is it Different?
The blog discusses how compliance and security differ and how Chef can help you achieve compliance while maintaining a secure infrastructure.
Chef InSpec – Where Compliance and Security Blend into DevOps World
Guidelines on how to start with the Chef InSpec on the technical side.