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A Single Path to Production and DevSecOps Trends to Watch For
Coded enterprises have a distinct advantage with an automated pipeline, plus DevSecOps trends for the rest of 2021 revealed. A single path to production was one topic we touched upon in our June 2021 Progress Chef Partner Webinar. What does that mean?
Chef Through a Partner’s Eyes
Two top Chef consultants take you on a lively tour of the Chef ecosystem Thomas Heinen and Patrick Schaumburg work as consultants at the tecRacer Group (Hanover, Germany). tecRacer is a Chef partner and Thomas and Patrick have been using Chef in customer projects since 2016. They’re both actively involved in the further development of the ecosystem.
Chef Guide: Accelerate test-driven development with Chef Workstation and Test Kitchen
Whether you’re new to Chef or an old pro, Test Kitchen can be a boon to anyone looking to dive into test-driven automation practices and rapid code development.
Come celebrate our 10th ChefConf with us!
September 7-9, 2021 will mark the 10th annual ChefConf! The journey from 2012 to 2021 has been a ride full of excitement, sleepless nights, innovative talks, and all kinds of fun. From “Doing DevOps Right” to “Chef helps teams accelerate their DevOps journeys” this year, we have aimed to be a medium for thousands of DevOps and IT folks to learn, interact, and expand their knowledge through keynotes, technical sessions, networking, hack days, charitable events, and more. We thank all of the #ChefFriends in our community; you have been an integral part of the success of ChefConf.
A quick Chef way to detect and remediate PrintNightmare
A Microsoft publicly disclosed remote code execution zero-day vulnerability (CVE-2021-34527), now known as “PrintNightmare”, could allow attackers to run code, including malware or ransomware, and take full control of impacted vulnerable systems. Microsoft is urging Administrators to deploy the proper patches as quickly as possible or disable inbound remote printing until the patches can be applied.
Nominate an Awesome Chef!
Hello Chefs! This year we have again made the decision to make ChefConf a digital event. We have plenty of accessible content no matter where you are on your journey with Chef products. Just like in the past, we will be running the Awesome Chef awards.
Orchestrating Zero Trust with Chef Desktop
Business needs are evolving continuously, and the growing challenges in IT management have led to the development and proliferation of newer software technologies. These technologies, designed to add speed and consistency, improve the overall productivity of various IT teams. One key aspect of concern as a business organization is often security.
Chef Infra Best Practices: #4 Custom Resources the Building Blocks of your Cookbooks
The fourth instalment of the Shape-Up Your Infrastructure Webinar Series – “Custom Resources the building blocks of your cookbooks” Chef Infra Client includes more than 150 built-in resources to manage things like files, packages, templates, and services. Custom resources enable users to add their own resources as an extension of Chef Infra client.
Automating PCI-DSS Compliance with Chef
Any company that handles credit card data, especially in the United States, is subject to the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), and already knows how difficult and time-consuming PCI audits can be.