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[eBook] 10 Ways to Optimize Your Chef Infrastructure Automation Investment
Over time, Chef Infrastructure Automation has become more powerful. Be it creating your own custom resources to simplify writing cookbooks or implementing or monitoring real-time data across environments, there is a myriad of ways for you to make the best use of your infrastructure automation. This eBook covers key best practices for creating better automation.
Updates to Chef’s default branch name
Over the next 2 months, we’ll be migrating all our active Chef repositories default branch from master to main and all open Pull Requests will be moved to the new default branch. What do contributors need to do?
ChefConf ’21: Online – Submit a talk and register today!
We’re back with more fun and learning sessions this year at ChefConf! ChefConf ‘21: Online starts September 7th, 2021 and it’s a three–day virtual conference. DevOps and IT practitioners across the globe will meet, learn, and share knowledge. ChefConf has always been a great opportunity to build knowledge and skills to accelerate your own DevOps journey.
Getting started with Chef Automate in public clouds or on-prem
With the launch of Chef Infra Client 17 in April, there’s never been a better time to dig into the Chef ecosystem, infrastructure automation, continuous delivery, and configuration management with Chef Automate, the dashboard tool that allows you to see all your Chef activity in real-time.
5 Reasons You Should Submit a Proposal to Speak At ChefConf ’21: Online
ChefConf ‘21: Online takes place September 7-9, 2021 and no matter where you are, you again have an opportunity to present from the comfort of your own home office. With ChefConf online again this year, we’re so excited to have you present at the DevOps Conference of the Year. The ChefConf call for presenters is now open. This year at ChefConf, we are following the theme: Chef helps teams accelerate their DevOps journeys.
May 2021 Chef Partner Webinar and ChefConf ‘21: Online News
This month, we begin with exciting news about ChefConf and then we’ll look at what you’ll get in our May Partner Webinar. ChefConf ‘21: Online ChefConf ‘21: Online is a go for September 7 – 9! We will be completely virtual with a theme of “Helping Teams Accelerate Their DevOps Journeys.
Chef Product Launches, Roadmaps, and Webinars ohmy!
We’ve had a couple of big events in the last month, and I wanted to make sure you saw them! Infra Client 17 Launch At the end of April, we hosted our Chef Infra Client 17’s Virtual Launch, and registration for that event blew away all of our previous webinars.
Launching Ruby Courses on Learn Chef
The Ruby programming language has been around for more than two decades. It constantly features on the TIOBE Index, Stack Overflow Developer Survey, and GitHub State of the Octoverse as a popular programming language. While the last decade has seen hundreds of new programming languages emerge (and wither, for some), Ruby remains popular and relevant.
Webinar: Custom Resources the Building Blocks of your Cookbooks
Chef Infra Client includes more than 150 built-in resources to manage files, packages, templates, and services. You can extend existing or create new resources via Custom Resources. These help you encapsulate logic so that the end-user does not need to worry about how to install or configure the application at a low level.