
Anugraha Benjamin

Anugraha Benjamin is a Product Marketing Manager at Chef.

Announcing the General Availability of Progress Chef Courier — Job Orchestration Made Simple

We are thrilled to announce the general availability of Progress Chef Courier – a job orchestration platform for all your workflow management needs!

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Sign Up for Progress Chef Courier Beta and Learn the Benefits of Job Orchestration

We are excited to announce the beta launch of Progress Chef Courier! Sign up to see how you can streamline complex workflows with our enterprise job orchestration solution and enable control over every dimension of the change rollout process.

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Enhanced Deployment and Installation Experience of Automate HA (Highly Available)

The new Automate HA release brings a ton of enhancements that will make your experience better. Read to learn more.

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How Does Chef SaaS Make IT Infrastructure Automation More Efficient?

The primary objective of IT automation is to make processes related to infrastructure faster, more secure and error-free. Chef SaaS enables you to automate your IT infrastructure with the power of the cloud. Now, all your favorite Chef tools are available as SaaS. No setup hassles, no maintenance and no extra resources required. Read on to learn more.

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Taking Policy-As-Code to the Cloud with Chef SaaS!

Progress Chef’s ‘Policy as Code’ approach has changed how organizations configure infrastructure and define compliance policies. Chef SaaS includes a version of Chef Automate that brings the Policy-as-Code approach to the cloud along with Chef Infra and Chef Compliance.

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Chef InSpec Best Practices: #1 Scaling Infrastructure Testing

See how Chef InSpec can be used to test infrastructure, security, and compliance policies across heterogeneous IT estates.

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What is System Hardening? Standards and Best Practices

Read how Chef enables IT teams to perform system hardening with the help of continuous security audits and remediation that detects and fixes vulnerabilities in diverse IT fleets.

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Chef Infra Best Practices: #7 Chef Workstation: One Click a Way from Everything

Chef Workstation helps automate infrastructure configuration and security policies by allowing you to: - Improve the quality of code - Reduce time spent on writing and performing tests - Reduce deployment windows by quickly delivering on-demand DevTest environments If you are still on ChefDK, move to Workstation now!

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Chef Infra Best Practices: #6 Automated Cookbook Testing with GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions offer certain important benefits and when used alongside Chef can yield some amazing outcomes. Let’s discuss some of the most important ones in this blog. -Linting -Unit Testing -Integration Testing -Issue Management

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