
Chef Infra

Preparing for April End of Support Dates

This coming April will mark one year since the introduction of the Chef Enterprise Automation Stack. As part of this release, we announced that all of our products are now open source under the Apache 2 license and that Chef’s tested, enterprise-ready software distributions (binaries) are subject commercial license terms going forward.

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Chef InSpec recognized for Compliance Automation Tools in Gartner Report

We believe Gartner provides very useful guidance for organizations struggling with balancing the need to deliver products and services to market faster while having to deal with regulations and compliance requirements that may overburden their teams.

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ChefConf 2020 Registration is Now Open!

Registration for ChefConf 2020 is now open. Join us in Seattle or London (or both) this June!

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What to Talk About at ChefConf 2020 – Chef Infra

Hello ChefFriends! Are you thinking about submitting to the ChefConf 2020 Call for Presentations? We hope you are! If you’re searching for some topic suggestions, here’s a few for folks working with Chef Infra! For all of our past ChefConf talks, check out our YouTube Channel for recordings.

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TIMTOWTDI Rides Again – Running Resources on a Limited Schedule

If you’ve been with the Chef Community for a long time, you’ve no doubt gotten caught up in a problem that comes down to “there’s more than one way to do it”.

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Automatically Updating Cookbooks with Cookstyle

Infrastructure code, just like your infrastructure, is in constant flux. New services need to be updated and deployed, configuration changes need to be propagated, and security vulnerabilities mitigated. There’s a never-ending stream of code changes to make and once you’ve written your infrastructure code you just want it to work.

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What’s in an endpoint? Managing laptops with Chef

For over 11 years Chef customers and community have trusted us to manage their infrastructure and servers, so it should be no surprise that you can also manage desktops and laptops just as effectively by using Chef Effortless Infrastructure Suite.

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Chef Infra