
Chef Infra

Announcing the Chef Infra Server 13 Deprecation

Today we are announcing the deprecation of Chef Infra Server 13, with the eventual end of life (EOL) date of June 30th, 2021. On the EOL date, all development will terminate and no new versions will be released.

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Product Announcement: Chef Infra Server 14 Now Available

Chef Infra Server acts as an enterprise hub for configuration data. Chef Infra Server stores cookbooks, the policies that are applied to nodes, and metadata that describes each registered node that is being managed by Chef.

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Upgrading the Chef Infra Client

Welcome back to the upgrading Chef Infra blog series! Over the past weeks we’ve talked about why you should upgrade and how to upgrade your cookbooks for compatibility through the use of cookstyle. Your cookbooks are now ready to function with the newest Chef Infra versions.

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Upgrading Your Cookbooks for Compatibility with Chef Infra Client 16

It’s time to talk about Chef Infra upgrades! Last time around, we covered why it’s important to run on the latest client, and reviewed some of the improvements that have been made in the last few years of releases.

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Upgrading Chef Infra: Why Upgrade

Welcome back to Upgrading Chef Infra! Last week we kicked things off with a brief introduction and a review of some key concepts. Today we’ll see how Chef Infra has evolved in recent years, and take a look at improvements that have been implemented throughout major releases.

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Upgrading Chef Infra: Introduction

Last week, I had the privilege of announcing the launch of Chef Infra Client 16. In addition to providing a slew of features to improve ease of use, expand platform support and generally improve performance, we’ve invested significantly into improving the process of upgrading Chef Infra.

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ChefConf Online Session Recordings: Chef Infra Week

Hello Chefs! Are you new to the wonders of Automation and Chef Infra? Or are you a battle-scarred professional looking for some deep magic to manage your Chef Server with ease? ChefConf Online has some sessions for you! Join us this week as we record some of the ChefConf Online sessions for Chef Infra.

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Introducing Chef Infra Client 16

Today we’re thrilled to announce the launch of Chef Infra Client 16, a smaller, faster version that is chock full of new resources, features, and supported platforms. What makes this release particularly exciting, however, is an unprecedented focus on streamlining the user experience for newcomers and seasoned veterans alike.

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Chef Infra End-of-Life Announcement for Linux Client on IBM s390x Architecture

Updated Dec. 23, 2020: After receiving customer feedback on this deprecation we’ve decided to reverse our plan to remove support for the s390x architecture in Chef Infra Client. We’ve published s390x architecture packages for Chef Infra Client on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 12/15 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7/8.

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An Award-Winning Way to Start 2020

Chef Rings in 2020 with Multiple Industry Award Wins for Chef EAS and Chef InSpec Chef is kicking off 2020 on a high note announcing five new industry awards signifying our ongoing recognition from the industry as the DevOps leader.

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Chef Infra