
Chef Compliance

Shift Left with Chef Compliance

This blog post discusses the security and compliance challenges that create major roadblocks in software delivery and why most organizations find implementing auditing and remediating processes daunting.

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A quick Chef way to detect and remediate PrintNightmare

A Microsoft publicly disclosed remote code execution zero-day vulnerability (CVE-2021-34527), now known as “PrintNightmare”, could allow attackers to run code, including malware or ransomware, and take full control of impacted vulnerable systems. Microsoft is urging Administrators to deploy the proper patches as quickly as possible or disable inbound remote printing until the patches can be applied.

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Automating PCI-DSS Compliance with Chef

Any company that handles credit card data, especially in the United States, is subject to the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), and already knows how difficult and time-consuming PCI audits can be.

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Automating Financial Service IT Configuration and Compliance

We here at Chef believe that taking a “Everything-as-Code” approach will help Financial Service organizations to automate the configuration, automate the security or compliance of environments and automate the distribution of applications into heterogeneous environments.  Infrastructure-as-Code: is where Financial Services can automate the process of managing, provisioning and deploying necessary infrastructure resources.

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Re-cap: Compliance as Code Roundtable

In case you missed it, here is a recap of our Roundtable – Compliance as Code Webinar. Organizations are struggling with balancing the need for speed of innovation delivery and the need for a secure environment to do so.

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What is Compliance as Code? The New Frontier in Compliance Automation

There is no doubt that DevSecOps practices accelerate the pace of digital transformation, but those same practices also introduce new challenges to maintaining compliance. Traditional compliance approaches risk slowing software delivery, exacerbating audit pain, and leaving organizations with an incomplete view of compliance posture.

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Chef Recognized for “Class-leading” Governance and Compliance Features in Forrester Wave report

On August 10, 2020, Chef was named a Strong Performer in The Forrester Wave™: Infrastructure Automation Platforms, Q3 2020. In particular, the Forrester report stated: “Chef Software’s solution is a good fit for customers that want class-leading governance and compliance features.

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Testing Windows DNS SIGRed Vulnerability with Chef InSpec

It’s not DNS. There’s no way it’s DNS. It was DNS. A system administrator’s haiku, many have uttered before. Today it rings true once again. CVE-2020-1350 is a vulnerability found in _all_ versions of Windows Server DNS back to 2003. Found by the folks at Checkpoint, this is a highly critical vulnerability.

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Now Available: Chef Compliance

Building on Chef’s long history of innovation in compliance automation, Chef Compliance, available today, builds on Chef InSpec to help enterprises maintain compliance and prevent security incidents across heterogeneous hybrid and multi-cloud estates while improving speed and efficiency.

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Chef Compliance